Friday 21 August 2015

Why You Cannot Die Poor (2)

According to Yue Fei, "Do not let a day pass without accomplishing something. Otherwise you will regret it when your hair turns gray." You can only achieve financial success with peace of mind by being disciplined, steady and constant in holding to the right principles. A life without definite plan to financial freedom is useless, and having a well-conceived plan is not enough to transform your dreams to physical realities, but the determination you put to it is what gives that dream a value.
Your dreams to financial success starts with goal setting and may sometimes require you to spend the necessary time to gather information, outline the necessary steps to achieve that goal, develop a workable timeline and take the right steps to reach your financial success. Do you have a plan to reach your financial goals? Why do many people have dreams that are never fulfilled? What steps must you take to achieve your financial success in life? Can you achieve financial success in your career or vocation without a viable goal? Can you acquire enormous wealth in life without sustained action, commitment and focus to make that dream a reality?

It was Lee Maranz, one of American most successful franchisers who said, "If you have a strong belief in yourself, in what you are doing, and what you want to do, no adversity is too difficult to overcome." Many people desire financial success in life without the commitment to reach that goal. Achieving your financial success may sometimes require you to work on yourself to understand and overcome the sources of your fears toward success. It is difficult to achieve financial success if you are afraid of the challenges that come with it. Many people stand on their own way to financial success. These people want to succeed but do not believe in success. Many of such people will acquire wealth and later sabotage it because they were not prepared for it.If you are serious about achieving financial in life, you must first get serious in dealing with the sources of your fears towards success.

Sometimes you may require support or coaching to know the sources of your negative beliefs towards success. And if you think you do not require extra support or coaching and you want to make the same mistakes over and over again, don't expect any better results.

If you also desire to achieve the financial success you desire, then, it is time to get up and work. Be opened to the new insights that will assist you to achieve financial success. The resources you need to create some awareness about the possible sources of your fears and to acquire some new behaviors that will attract financial success to your life can be found in some powerful motivational books.

And if you want to achieve that success you ever desire, make today the day you stop giving excuses for your past failures. Decide upon a definite plan now and how you are going to achieve that plan. Write it down. Commit it to memory. Decide exactly when you want to achieve that goal.

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